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St Nick 35 North Pole
2012. April 2. St Nicholas and Christian unity around the North Pole. Gardar (Greenland, Denmark); Murmansk (Peninsula of Kola, Russia); North Pole (Alaska, USA).
2012. April 2. St Nicholas and Christian unity around the North Pole. Gardar (Greenland, Denmark); Murmansk (Peninsula of Kola, Russia); North Pole (Alaska, USA).
St Nick 34 Manlio engl
2012. March 17th. A little Dictionary for St Nicholas Historians (Constantine, Nicaea, List of the Nicaean Fathers, Eusebius of Caesarea, Praxis de stratelatis, Eunapius, Socrates, Sozomen, Zosimos, Theodorus Lector, Vita Nicolai Sionitae, Eustratius of Constantinople, Michael the Archimandrite, Symeon Metaphrastes, Eduard Schwartz, Beneševič, Anrich,) . Manlio Simonetti: Some...
2012. March 17th. A little Dictionary for St Nicholas Historians (Constantine, Nicaea, List of the Nicaean Fathers, Eusebius of Caesarea, Praxis de stratelatis, Eunapius, Socrates, Sozomen, Zosimos, Theodorus Lector, Vita Nicolai Sionitae, Eustratius of Constantinople, Michael the Archimandrite, Symeon Metaphrastes, Eduard Schwartz, Beneševič, Anrich,) . Manlio Simonetti: Some...
St Nick 33 Beatillo SN Port
2012. March 3rd. St Nicholas Walk, a project by St Nicholas Pilgrims’ Association, Lorraine. St Nicolas de Port according to the St Nicholas History by A. Beatillo, Naples 1620 (facsimile)
2012. March 3rd. St Nicholas Walk, a project by St Nicholas Pilgrims’ Association, Lorraine. St Nicolas de Port according to the St Nicholas History by A. Beatillo, Naples 1620 (facsimile)
St Nick 32 Goltz LIST Germany
2012. February 1st. In memory of Hermann Goltz, the Lutheran poet of St Nicholas. The 650 churches of St Nicholas in germany. Without St Nicholas my Land would be not as it is, the way I love it.
2012. February 1st. In memory of Hermann Goltz, the Lutheran poet of St Nicholas. The 650 churches of St Nicholas in germany. Without St Nicholas my Land would be not as it is, the way I love it.
St Nick 31 Wade LIST
2012. January 21. Today James Rosenthal priest at the St Nicholas at Wade, Kent. Our best wishes to the founder of the St Nicholas Society and true interpreter of St Nicholas’ message. The 600 SN Churches in the United Kingdom.
2012. January 21. Today James Rosenthal priest at the St Nicholas at Wade, Kent. Our best wishes to the founder of the St Nicholas Society and true interpreter of St Nicholas’ message. The 600 SN Churches in the United Kingdom.
St Nick 30 Fatwa
2012. January 4th. Crossfire on Santa Claus / St Nicholas. The fatwa of the Turkish mufti Suleyman Yeniçeri. The debate in the Turkish TV. The defence by Muammer Karabulut.
2012. January 4th. Crossfire on Santa Claus / St Nicholas. The fatwa of the Turkish mufti Suleyman Yeniçeri. The debate in the Turkish TV. The defence by Muammer Karabulut.
St Nick 29 London
2011. December 29th. At Christmas S Nicholas invites to generosity. A homily given by the Rvd Fr John Pritchard in the Annunciation Church (London) the 10th of December. The Order of Service. My Christmas with St Nicholas (fr Lorusso with the children of the Pediatric Hospital John XXIII in Bari).
2011. December 29th. At Christmas S Nicholas invites to generosity. A homily given by the Rvd Fr John Pritchard in the Annunciation Church (London) the 10th of December. The Order of Service. My Christmas with St Nicholas (fr Lorusso with the children of the Pediatric Hospital John XXIII in Bari).
St Nick 28 19 XII 2011
2011. December 23rd, The solemn Russian orthodox Feast of St Nicholas in the Pontifical Basilica of Bari. A moving sight for those who love the unity of Christians.
2011. December 23rd, The solemn Russian orthodox Feast of St Nicholas in the Pontifical Basilica of Bari. A moving sight for those who love the unity of Christians.
St Nick 27 ROSE
2011. December 18th. The silver Rose of St Nicholas to mons. Antonio Mennini. The pointo of view of the Moscow Patriarchate: Pope Benedict XVI and the dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with the Orthodox Churches (a lecture by Igumen Philipp Rjabych).
2011. December 18th. The silver Rose of St Nicholas to mons. Antonio Mennini. The pointo of view of the Moscow Patriarchate: Pope Benedict XVI and the dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with the Orthodox Churches (a lecture by Igumen Philipp Rjabych).
St Nick 26 Feast
2011, December 10. St Nicholas Feast of December 6th 2011 with the new Rector of the Basilica. Homily of the Card. Monterisi, rector of the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls – Rome.
2011, December 10. St Nicholas Feast of December 6th 2011 with the new Rector of the Basilica. Homily of the Card. Monterisi, rector of the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls – Rome.